BYD set DC konektorov pre kábel 35mm2

Originálny BYD set DC konektorov na pripojenie DC káblov k pripojovaciemu modulu PDU pre prierez kábla 35 mm2
Odporúčané použitie pre DC káble do 3 m dĺžky:
DC konektor 35 mm2 = 1-2 LVS moduly
DC konektor 50 mm2 = 3 LVS moduly
DC konektor 70 mm2 = 4-6 LVS modulov

36,25 € 36.25 EUR 36,25 €

36,25 €

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    Stock availability indicative:
    - no information – goods are in stock in sufficient quantity 
    - only XY pieces - last quantities in stock 
    - information about the preliminary date - goods are not in stock, but are ordered and we are waiting for delivery 
    - on demand/to order - goods are not in stock and not ordered 
    - unavailable - no longer produced or currently not available for order

    Barcode: BA000012
    Internal Reference: BA000012